Sunday, March 22, 2009

Other Oddities

The interest sparked by my coffee vending machine only reinforces my suspicion that these would totally work in America. And yes, the coffee comes in small aluminum cans and it is pretty hot. Like if you pick up the can right out of the machine and just wrap your hand around it, it's not a pleasant sensation. However, if you were to immediately open it and say, pour it all over your arm, I doubt you'd wind up hideously deformed. Who ever would have guessed that there was an intermediary temperature between cold and scalding hot?

As for why Tommy Lee Jones? I have no clue. Generally I find advertisements here seem to be much more entertaining. Lots of anthropomorphic characters. I think I've become more or less accustomed to them, but here are a couple pictures I took the first week or so I was here.

In addition to the friendly water drop guy, there are usually at least two employees who's job it is to bow towards you and wave batons to direct you to walk around the hole in the ground that is completely surrounded by cones and flashing lights.

I have no clue about this but I see it on my walk to work every day.

As far as ad campaigns go, I think Subway seriously needs to consider going with the "The Natural Ideal style of eating vegetable." slogan in the states.

1 comment:

  1. Oh thank you SO much for the linkage under "hideously deformed." You're such a doll.

    Feel Wood. lol.
